Aspen Creek Wiki
[Charles'] grandfather liked to claim his only daughter had been soft and dutiful until she met Bran, and that made Charles' uncles laugh behind their hands

–-Wild Sign


A Flathead Indian, and daughter of a medicine man.

Was rescued and turned into a werewolf by Bran Cornick after she was attacked by a moose she startled. She and Bran became mates. Neither of them could speak more than a few words in each other's language, but battles between the two had lit the forest with their fury.

At some point, Blue-Jay Woman became pregnant. With help from her father, she kept from changing during the full moon and carried her and Bran's child to term, giving birth to Charles Cornick.

She died shortly afterwards, having used up too much energy to keep from changing. Charles blames himself for her death, and believes Bran does as well.
